Thursday, October 30, 2008

the luckiest...

just found out that kortezzy would be in VA right about the time we arrive!! yayy so we're having a HUGE ass christmas reunion the day we touch down!!

and in our silliness, we realized that by picking and returning a rental car from two separate airports, we would incue a lot more charges (more than we save on cheaper flights!! grrr..) so i called our an ex-work vendor, danny to book a limo.. (cos i cant imaging getting anyone to drive us all the way from Richmond Airport in the snow!!) and he booked it overnight and comped our limo ride. i can't wait to get him an awesome christmas gift.

im so darn blessed.. :) 

im getting really excited about christmas cos from this week on, its non-stop wedding weeekends!! *phew*


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