Saturday, September 17, 2016

review :: eco discoveries pet deodorizer

i must be one of the few people left in singapore who don't hire a full-time helper. and even thought i would love to up the level of cleanliness in our home, i must come to realized that i live with a whole bunch of boy... 

and these two rugrats are the worst!

as much as i love them, i spend most of my time cleaning after them! B is able to help with tidying and cleans after his own spills... but these two. let's just say they have their good and bad days!

one of the messiest thing is when they make oopsies. and though they are toilet trained (i use that words very loosely..), when it comes to days when we don't pay as much attention to them, they seem to have accidents more often. and there is nothing that annoys me more than pet smell in the house. i've tried young living thieves cleaner, dettol, grapefruit oil and so far i think i've found a solution!  

i ordered it from iherb (godsend!!) it has a super sexy name - ecodiscoveries, pet deodorizer and stain remover. lol right? told ya! but whatever.. at least it works! and i love that it comes empty with a mini bottle for you to mix when it arrives so it reduces the chance of anything busting open *throws dirty glances at witch hazel solution..* 

so far so good! and the dogs seem to spot less! will keep you posted if i find anything more useful!!

p.s. also diffuse thieves and aesop scents around the house 24/7. these stinkers, though cute, are called stinkers for a reason! 

p.p.s. they take baths frequently but the singaporean heat is punishing for anyone covered in hair/fur. also, can't take a bath daily due to their skin allergies!!

p.p.p.s. use CHM768 to save $5 off your first order and if you're in singapore, shipping is free above $55



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