Monday, December 27, 2010

our christmas in pictures..

frankly, it has been chaos around the house but im rolling in so much joy it was so hard when i had to go to work this morning and i was dragging my feet feeling miserable for myself until my sweet little brother offered to cycle me to work. and that made things a little better! here are some reasons why im all smiles...

carol & shaun in town!! :) :) 

the last of my girlies visiting within 1st three months of our stay here!! their friendship makes me so so happy! :)

my mum sewing up a storm in my kitchen..

guess whats snuggled in my laundry bag?

musashi is ready for christmas shopping.

p.s. when he is doing something naughty or guilty, he avoids eye contact. hilarious!

all snuggled up with daddy..

christmas is tiring business! 


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