Tuesday, April 21, 2009

from yehao..

Ex girlfriend getting married

Hmm, what is it like to know that you ex-girlfriend is getting married? I guess the answer for most will be sadness, dis-belief, or even jealousy.

But for me, it is heart felt joy for her. Yes I am happy for her, as happy as she is. I am quite sure that many of you will wonder if I feel jealous or heart broken. My answer would definitely be a "NO". I was really happy for her the moment she shared this joy with me, happy that she found someone whom she loves and loves her loads, and happy that she will be well taken care of for the rest of her life.

After we broke up which is like probably 8 years ago, my love for her changed from love for someone whom you wanted to be with to love for a good friend whom you truly care. Although it took years for this to happen, but I am glad that it turned out this way. She, who was once someone important in my life but I choose to give up being together with her.

Through the years, I tried ways to get her back but to no avail. We still care for each other, still share problems and talk to each other. That is how our friendship after a relationship grew stronger and stronger. And who said that there can never be friendship after a relationship? In fact, we have a better friendship now compared to what we had before our relationship.

I am glad that I have found a true friend, and that when we don't contact each other we know that we still care for each other.

I sincerely wish her a blissful marriage. I am really happy for you...


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