Friday, January 5, 2018

self love club

hihi! happy new year! 

you know life's been special when you are able to start on your (aspirational) daily blogging on day 5 of the new year huh! but with 2017 in the rear mirror, now feels like as good as any to get started. 2017 was interesting. loads of big grown up decisions and some major heartachey one. i guess not to wax lyrical about everything but some things just take some time to come to a realization and that love, when not genuine, is just talk when it comes to friends, work and family. 

and i guess with age, you figure out how to move on. and the easiest way to grow is to let go. so with a bit more self-love for myself, that's what 2018 will be about. being better, stronger and a whole lot more of self-love and minding my own business. 

maybe a bit more of yoga every damn day. and keeping people we love close. and unfollowing more people in real life without guilt. that's it! an overall refresh and kick start the year strong. :) 


2018. i think im ready. hope you are too!!



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