Wednesday, November 29, 2017

when you forget...

i've been a mom for five years. without much of a thought, it's really been a huge part of my identity and i no longer wake up and pinch myself that i actually am in charge of keeping someone alive. and i no longer wake up to cries and instead a house that can run on its own even without my presence. 

and i've since moved on to other things as well. a bit of work, a little bit of theme decorating around the house, a bit of working out, a lot of trip planning and loads of awesome friends. things are really starting to fall back into the "norm" again. gone are the days where all that consumed my thoughts were, how am i going to make it through the day. or... am i going to choose to put mascara on or rush to prep dinner. 

but in the midst of trying to "do it all", some how the role of a home-maker fell to the backseat. when we set out to put aside my full-time job (and first most love in my life!!) for the family, it was a conscious choice for one of us to shift our focus on the home. it was the obvious choice for the person to be me (and gladly so.) but as things get easier, dogs became dog, baby becomes a school going kinder kid, home is somewhat under control, physical shopping (and lugging things with baby in tow) became online shopping with delivery.. hahah. i've been able to run around town during the day fussing around with other nice priorities! very lucky, i know! 

but then when the occasional illness strike or we have relatives visiting. or something changes in our routine, im often annoyed that it interferes with my "routine", a ladies lunch that took forever to organize and "*huff puff* WHO will now step in cos i need to go for a shoot / meeting / something or other" or my craft errands. and that's such a shame, i've come to realize. 

and just the other day i was reminded by an article (which i cannot find now!! grrrr!) why im doing this in the first place - to create a home for these silly people. who deserve nothing but the best! and after a long day out, should be able to run home, find a cosy spot to snuggle, never mind if the laundry is perfectly squared or fluffed but at least somewhere to find their favorite comfort objects or be their comfort. and because they're boys... they don't care if there are (halloween)spiders on the wall or did we have a fall wreath BEFORE the christmas tree came up. or that their rainbow christmas tree concept is going to fail (i already know...) 

but they need to know that home is always home. and you come back at the end of the day to warm open arms. and for the little boy, you never settle in future until you find someone that gives you a home that's better than what you already have. 

mental note : also need to update their wardrobe. 

so perhaps this year end is for little reminders like that. to recalibrate and think about how to do things better next year. maybe give up a few less important things, let the laundry pile up a little and be there with open arms a bit more!! hope i can figure it out in 2018! :)



  1. Hear hear - and to add to that, someone very wise told me before that if we don’t value what we do, the boys won’t too! And everything we cook will taste yuck! lol I love having the privilege to create a home for this annoying bunch I’ve got! Helps to have you at hand for coffee and rants too xx

  2. yes! :) just gotta remind ourselves ever so often!!!


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