Monday, April 10, 2017

monday musings ...

a little bit of quiet after i drop the pumpkin off in school. 

we've been taking it easy on the travel this start of the year. and really been enjoying the break! as fun as exploring new cities is, it was got a bit exhausting (our last trip, we packed until 3am in the morning. dramatically fun but draining...) and starting to cause disruption in bub's schedule. 

the school is stepping up their curriculum. its almost laughable to talk about curriculum in the same breath as preschool BUT in singapore, it's hilariously serious. we've been told off for taking him out of school too often and picking him up too early. so i made a few adjustments to his after school activities. 

will monitor to see how he reacts to them. because this child of ours, thrives on fun and play. so cutting back would mean that his weekdays are quite... boring. will give it till mid-year to see if this new routine works for him. 



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