Thursday, July 7, 2016

hello three and a bit...

ten things about the three-and-a-half you - 

one - you are one sensitive little dude. you tear up watching documentaries and sad parts of the movies. or when you hear about sad stories around us. we love that about you. 

two - quick to respond to injustice. you jump at any chance to point out when something is unfair, just like your dad. there's nothing that gets you more riled up than unjust behavior. problem is, you also have your mom's fiery temper and we try to catch you and help you process your thoughts before you go around destroying the world.

three - your besties... lexi and colette. your girlfriend... emerald. 

four - favorite color is PINK

five - not confrontational. hates it when you can sense tension (in the way i talk) or when i start furrowing my brows, you'll start snuggling up. most times, its your fault. sometimes, not. 

six - loves your popo. nothing incentivizes you more than visiting your popo's house. i love that too! popo's house brings me much joy as well! 

seven - loves sweet food, junk, man food (bacon, salami, chippies...) and not so much veggies. thankfully you eat them in school but when given a choice, never a salad bar. 

eight - chatty. so chatty. and mostly annoying but occasionally amusing. 

nine - favorite place Amsterdam and Copenhagen. 

ten - enjoys swimming, soccer and ballet every week. wants to pick up rock climbing, flips on trampoline, tumbling, music (violin specifically) and martial arts (fighting) - and NO, we won't be doing all of that. 

love you bunny! even though you finish my almond croissant leaving me crumbs and icing sugared mess to clean up! 



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