Wednesday, January 20, 2016

last december....

all over the place with catching up so im just going to go with whatever pops up when look into my photo album (kinda like a lucky dip) but this was our tree for this year!! 

a little old, a little new (toys contributed by B) and a whole lot of pine! 

this year we went BIG!! when we compared to our first tree, everything is full and big but this guy was definitely a fattybums!!! we had a good giggle when we lugged him in.

definitely a good acquisition that brought us so much christmas cheer leading to the holidays!! and blake is a surprisingly good christmas tree carer! he's always hovering around the tree with his water spray can and has fairly good accuracy avoiding the floor and the dogs!! 

oh how i love these little traditions we get to recreate for blake! you get an opportunity to redo all these lovely fun things again! 



  1. Happy new year lovely!!! The tree looks awesome, I'll have to try a real tree one of these years. Hope you had a fab break and have the most amazing year ahead!! xx


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