Tuesday, September 22, 2015

just a little gutted...

just a little disappointed that we won't get to see this crochet playground in hakone open air museum. i guess it appealed to my grandma instincts (love crochet) and ever since i spotted it (back in the days, pre kid, one dog, time to take long baths... y'know all that good stuff?) i've wanted to go. and more specifically bring my (then imaginary) kid to have a jump around! 

but the season was not right, we prioritized shopping, this excuse, that... and now, its permanently removed!!! *bawl*

ah well. i know it doesn't mean a thing to blake but i really wanted him to see this! might just have to trek out to sapporo before its too late again!!

more of toshiko horiuchi's gorgeous crochet goodness here.



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