Friday, May 8, 2015

bucklebury farm park

one of the greatest things with travel is having a different environment to explore on weekends! instead of our usual brunch and swim weekend routine, we wandered further afield and brought blake to bucklebury farm park

we picked it purely from what the website promised but turned out that it was one of the better ones in the hood! yay!!

we made it right in time for petting zoo time! and blake had a great time feeding the little animals!

these donkeys were hilarious!!!

they had a great selection of animals and were extremely child friendly! gave us an excuse to stroll slowly while B ran around enjoying the lovely weather. 

and at the end of the farm animal trail, there was a lovely park, bouncy trampoline area and tractor rides waiting for us! what a nice treat! we got a quick lunch and picnic-ed while he ran amok!!

what a lovely way to spend the morning!! starting to really appreciate suburban life with kids! there's just more space to do real things! no malls, no need for bribes or meltdowns! such a nice treat! 



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