Thursday, April 9, 2015

how to feel like home when traveling ...

we were just talking the other night about how to carry home wherever we go. and a wise friend, in a totally different discussion, reminded me that "where your treasure is, there your heart be also". which got me thinking about how to find a happy spot while traveling.

here are some of the things we do when we travel! 

scent :: the scent of smell is most directly linked to memory. and for someone with an extremely sensitive nose, i often travel with my own essential oils. the bubba has his army of essential oils built into his bedtime routine and goes to bed smelling like his own little pot pourri! :) if you're not in a habit of essential oils, a travel candle or perfume can do the trick too! 

a THING :: some bring a little cuddley friend, a hairdryer you're familiar with, a security blanket or a picture that reminds you of home. daniel has his little ziplock of chips and gummy that travels with us! just a touch of familiarity goes a long way. 

routines :: coupled with jetlag and a new environment, it can be a nightmare the first few nights in a new place and if you're hotel-hopping, it might prove to be challenging!! we like to keep as much as possible to the routine we have at home! we set up the room in a way that makes sense (usually chucking blake in a dark corner or his own room), a separate crib/bed, reading light on my side of the bed, chargers on D's. and we unpack the minute we touch down regardless of how long we're staying. i much rather unpack than to be rummaging in the dark for my toothbrush. just anything to get you back into the routine you need! 

flowers :: i associate my home with flowers. something indulgent and a bit of a princess item but nothing says "home" like a brunch of happy blooms. and i love shopping for flowers when traveling! the selection is refreshing and an inexpensive mood lifter!

any other tips to add to the list?! 



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