Friday, August 1, 2014

:: a spot of pastel ::

if you speak to me these days, im all about the house. gone are the days i'd chat with you at lengths about heels, or doggie sweaters... and even my favorite topic of "who has the best tights that are semi-androgynous" is passe.. im all about carpets, how to drill into concrete and which brand has the most neutral shade of furnishings!!

while i'm no where close to the "fun" things... i couldn't resist these few fun things from kate spade saturday! they were on half off which made it ridiculous to walk away from... 

im not even sure what they are mean to be! but im sure i'll find good use for it! maybe granola on the weekend? or to display one single massive peony each on the dining table? can't resist the pastels!!!

hope you have a lovely weekend!



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