Wednesday, April 23, 2014

my day with my 18 month old ...

it has been a long time since i've done a daily log like this! 7 months to be exact. and since our day will be changing drastically as the bubba starts playgroup, i thought to write down what a regular day looks like with his royal cheekiness...


0700 am :: daniel's alarm goes off. he potters around the house and has a warm bottle of milk for blake. if he is feeling particularly energetic, he tidies up the house. if not, he cuddles up on the guestbed in blake's room for a snooze. im inferring all of this because, im usually still passed out in bed with musashi!

0740-0800 am :: the boys would be done with morning milk, cuddles and a little play around the nursery!! blake would dramatically sing "(love is an) OPEN DOOOOOOOOR", thank you frozen. and everyone will crumble in my bed in a heap for early morning hugs. this is what wakes me up everyday. 

0800 - 0830 am :: daniel has breakfast while i get dressed for the day. booboo will say hi to all his toys with new-found vengeance. and muumuu.. he takes a while to wake up, that silly muffin dog. 

0830 - 0900 am :: daniel leaves for work. we will walk out together sometimes but more often than not, someone is undressed or lagging behind or some other excuse. we should really start walking again! anyway, we gather the troops back home and get ready for our morning adventure!

0900 - 1100am :: this is one of my favorite times of the day! everyone is fresh and its only starting to get warm! i usually walk blake to the botanic gardens, jacob ballas garden or our recent favorite... children's garden by the bay! this is also a good time to meet up with our mommy friends for brunch before everyone scurries off for naptimes and such. we are always looking forward to art class on fridays!

 1100 - 1200 pm :: this is usually reserved for shopping, errands and a quick and early lunch for blake. i love getting things done in the morning when the world is dead quiet.. no queues, no crowds, no fuss.

1200 - 0200 pm :: blake takes a nap. also known as THE BEST TIME IN THE DAY! huzzah!! since his naps dropped to one, he has been a much easier napper. the time he starts to nap is pretty flexible. if we're out, he can hold off until 0100pm but if he's particularly tired that morning, he will ask for his milk or tell me point-blank that he's ready to sleep. this new-found ability to tell me what he wants in life is amazing (and occasionally frustrating!) when he naps, i tidy up the home a little, sometimes prep dinner or just take a break and chill out next to him.

0300 - 0400 pm :: bubba wakes up completely famished! and usually asks for a snack. depending on his mood, its usually easy things like cheese, fruit, yogurt or biccie (biscuit). he'll be in a fabulous mood after a long snooze and will be very entertaining. if my folks are visiting, this is usually when they take him for a little adventure!

0400 - 0600 pm :: this chunka time is usually spent exploring the neighborhood or going on a long walk or anything that would tire him out in prep for bedtime! i find that when im lazy and try to keep him home while i read, he gets cabin fever! if daniel is done with his work early, he will whisk blake off for a nice long run!!

0700 - 0730 pm :: its dinner time! :) i've very recently decided to start cooking little meals here and there. you see.. im not fantastic in the kitchen. so we are usually dining or wait till blake's in bed for daniel to make something super yummy!

0800pm :: blake's bedtime! we chuck him into the bath, set up his room, oil him up and off he goes to bed! sometimes he doesn't doze off immediately and we hear him singing, chatting to his toys and naming everything he loves in life. its extremely cute but when he's asleep... PEACE TO THE WORLD!!

0800 - 1200 midnight :: its party time!! just kidding we flaff around, make a nice drink and chat without interruptions!! i duck out for a much needed massage once a week and sometimes catch up with my friends! more often than not, we end up going on a bubble tea run or round our night off with a maccas treat!! then its beddy-byes for all!


life is really good these days. i can't imagine a better schedule or a more fun child to enjoy the day with. can't wait to see what having a little schoolboy in our home is like!! 

you can read our schedule at 2 months and 11 months here! :)



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