Wednesday, April 30, 2014

at whiteboard dialogues...

last friday evening, a girlfriend asked if i was keen to attend whiteboard dialogues, titles from house to home. it sounded right up my alley (in interest) and in more ways than one... way out of my league. in my mind, i'd imagine a very technical and intimidating discussion about different influences of home decor with flighty concepts and extremely out of the world budgets... 

but doesn't hurt to hear about it, right?

so we rocked up to the beautiful national design center and sat down feeling all professional and grown up! the designers speaking were all fabulous and well-known in their fields. and the ideas and concepts they discussed were what dream homes are made of!! it was not as lofty and abstruse. in fact, they made the subject matter seem very sensible and approachable!! figure out how you wanna live, what's important to you and work with your space! i quite enjoyed picking the brains of the designers and taking mental notes of some things i could apply to our home!

one fun fact :: 
90 percent of the new homes in singapore has a brick wall!

lol im guilty too! 
i must admit... i did want to jump on the brick wall bandwagon! 

after that, we skipped the dinner-smoozy bit and took a walk around the national design center, marvelling at all the interesting design details!! and rounded up the evening with a good chat and a yummy hot meal of hainanese pork chops!! my perfect kind of evening! 

p.s. thanks for asking me along, syl!



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