Thursday, March 6, 2014

races :: metasprint series part one

its race season again! :) 

and the husband has signed himself (and the whole family) up for some very early morning racing... not that i opposed to waking up early BUT when we have to wake bubba up in the morning.. now THAT is an early start! 

but we did it last year (and many years before) and can't choose a lazy sunday sleep-in over watching these two people in snugly-fit spandex right??! 

i mean... check out their guns! :) 

our mums came along too so they wouldn't miss out on the fun!! 

my mum in particular was HILARIOUS! she was counting what position daniel came out of the water and tracked him down every stage of the way!! made me feel a little guilty because i wasn't really keeping a close eye on the race and chasing after the little one instead!

but we did fabulously and ended the morning with a little bit of splashing in the water rolling around the sand! 

blake was pretty excited to be wearing a medal too!

 i don't know how many times he yelled "papa" at random men running past! well, darl... not every man in spandex is your father! but nice try!! we're all looking forward to the other two races in this series! :) 



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