Wednesday, January 29, 2014

melbourne :: christmas 2013

im not sure if its even right to be talking about christmas in january! surely there must be a cut-off date... we're so behind in our holiday posts! 

but it was blake's first proper christmas!

last year, he was just a blabbering little wombat that stared endlessly at the christmas tree. very ungratifying!! so this year, we had a re-do so he can have a proper christmas!!

hah! my mother in law's tree on a table to keep it out of reach from sticky hands! the funniest thing is... NO ONE thought it was weird!! i guess its the done thing when you have little kiddos in the house!

santa came and gave him tonnes of goodies that he loved!! especially this banana!! :)

and papa got his favorite lollies! i think we all ate junk for brekkie that day! and everyone got spoilt silly with gifts... 


my father in law's signature christmas ham.. sooooo good!! 

blakie got a shoehorn from his christmas cracker!! he rather creatively tried to eat christmas lunch using it! lol 

ma and daniel...

auntie bong & papabear!!

and then we had rellies spilling in throughout the day with more food and basically ate the whole day till dark! :) it was lovely to be surrounded by family without much fanfare. at some point our kiddo pulled his tub out and demanded for "BATH!!!" in the garden! 

and everyone hung outside in the garden, taking pictures of him all nudies... ah the things you get away with on christmas day!! 



  1. How do little kids even know what gifts are? They instinctively know they are something good and want more! We couldn't have a Christmas tree because we have a puppy, so we just had a little table tree. Puppies/toddlers - same thing!

    1. same thing!! musashi kept eating the pines!! so we elevated our tree the next year!!!


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