Monday, November 18, 2013

in our library :: blake's first book of names

one year ago for christmas, my photobook loving mama made blake the cutest present! his very own name of books! inspired by pinhole press, she designed the entire book on her own and got it printed locally! 

little grabby hands!

for the longest time, it was just another book on the shelf. until one day, he pulled it down randomly and started chuckling as he flipped through it!! and that was how we knew that he could recognise faces.

"PAPA!" he proudly exclaims!! 

ok.. this one is a bit embarrassing! when my mum made this book, i was not feeling totally back in my old shape and self. so i made her use an older and more glamorous picture of me! for the longest time, blake didn't recognise me! i would point to my picture and say "mama" and he would point to me and say "mama!!" *sigh* 

he loves this page too! he will "pat pat" musashi. 

we also have images of our friends relatives (the extended ones with funny names like "jiu gong" and "da yi po" to help him remember how to address them politely one day...) but most of the time, he likes touching the pages and pointing to the people he knows!

which reminds me! its time to insert a few pages of some of his own pals and update pictures of his baby friends!! he'll get such a thrill to see them in his book and kiss them good night before going to bed!

on the final page, there's a picture of himself as a wee two month old baby! this is him grabbing the book for a kiss! (wished i had a video!!) 

its such a precious book to have!

thanks popo! 



  1. I just love this idea - totally making one of these for Henry!

  2. Such a lovely gift for little ones! Ry LOVES looking at our pictures too. So I printed out a big bunch of pics, stuffed them into an album for him to flip to his little heart's desire. The album is a bit torn and tattered now but he still loves it!

    1. its so cute huh!? i would have never put in this effort on my own! probably just let him flip through the ipad!


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