Friday, October 4, 2013

you are not alone!

you know how no matter how perfect life is.. there is always that ONE day that gets you down. occasionally i'll get that ONE day and be all drama queen and "woe is me" and what did i do to get such a terrible kid... *wails*

i definitely need toughen up and deal with it. but what really helps is to have a little support network around you, filled with inspiring pals, tonnes of sympathetic pats on the back, family who will hop into the car, rush over and take the "terrible kid" outta your hands or a husband that will put his conference call on mute so he can deal with the drama. 

i was having one of those days when my folks took over and sent me to get my nails done.
and while i was getting utterly pampered, my darling dad sent this!


isn't he hilarious!!! 
(my dad, i mean...)

and because he knew how much i LOVE david beckham..
(he's still #1 in my hot men list..)


cracked me right up! i wanted to be right back at home instead of the nail salon to give everyone a huge hug. for being not that terrible a kid. for being so supportive. and for being such a joy in my life. 

anyway, hope you're having one of the many other lovely day.. and IF you're having one of THOSE days.. just think of little david beckham here! and here's a sympathetic pat on your back!!

you're not alone!! :)



  1. Oh man... this is such a nice post... the pictures made me feel all better too...

    1. awww babe!! big hugs to you!! hope you're well and everything is going well!!!! xxx

    it is the weekend, run wild now!

  3. Never give up. Everyone has bad days. Pick yourself up and keep going. Sweet Hugs to you !

  4. I understand the bad days! I've had a week straight, and a working-nights and now sick-with-a-cold baby (scratch that) husband hasn't made anything easier. I just took a quiet break at work and pulled out my pumpkins latest ultra sound picks and waited for some kicks and it snapped me back. Oh yeah, and I pulled up your blog. ;) thanks for making me smile extra with your words and Blake pics!

    1. sheeeeeze!! you need a long massage and some TLC!! :) thinking of you lots!!!

  5. yes, a good support network is so important. whenever the mercubs at home do their merlion and i have not enough hands to keep one steady from all that throwing up, one away from the mess, trying to keep the mess contained, etc, i will yell for my folks to help me out with either kid. or else!!

    1. hahahaha "do their merlion" sigh! i so unfortunately know exactly what you mean!! man i have no idea how you or anyone handles two! superwoman powers!

  6. everyone needs a timeout now and again - whatever it takes to keep you sane, hunny! *hugs* all's well that ends well, so don't be too hard on yourself :) xx

    1. went for an extra pole(dancing) class today and all's well in the world! phew! now im ready to tackle the next two weeks to come! gambatteeee!!


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