Tuesday, July 2, 2013

instagram :: projecteo

i went all crazy with stickygrams a few months ago.. then i got bored.
but i think i've found my next cutest insta-obsession!

its a teeny tiny projector!!

you pick 9 of your favorite instagram pictures.. and they print it onto film in this tiny wheel and your projector gets mailed to you! easy peasy! and it costs $34.98! of course you can print additional wheels for $8.99 each!

when we were little, this was how dad shared vacation pictures with our family! we'd project it on the wall and when we got particularly excited about a picture, we got up to show and tell and point to our favorite bits!! an evening of fun!

so stinking cute!

from here!



  1. hi! may i know how long it will take to deliver to singapore address? thanks for sharing this! :) -vick

    1. i've not ordered it myself! But i'll drop them an email to check! :)

  2. but i think i've found my next cutest insta-obsession!


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