Monday, January 7, 2013

hello monday!!

how was your first weekend of the year? 
hope it was spectacular!!

i desperately wanted it to be different and beautiful... 
having a baby in tow is a poor reason for having a shabby life, don't you think?


so we made plans like we would when we were single.
we went for brunch by the gardens (by bicycle), we went for a stroll in the (children's) park, we went swimming. we had family cuddle sessions. the husband raced & joined a new running club. i bought my first magazine in months and read it. we had lovely grown-up unhurried meals..
and it was ahhmaazing... 

we did have a few sobby baby moments & failed to kick our babies' habit of sucking their fingers/paws but nothing too crazy.  
i guess that's progress right?

hope you have a lovely week ahead! 



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