Tuesday, December 25, 2012

daily reminders :: relish the charms of the present

you will never have this day with your children again.
tomorrow, they'll be a little older than they were today. 
this day is a gift. 
breathe and notice.  
smell and touch them
study their faces
and little feet and pay attention.

relish the charms of the present.

enjoy today, mama. 
it will be over before you know it.
-jen hatmaker



  1. merry christmas zhing, daniel, blake and muu! :)

    this is a little hint of what blake's possible-future baby sister will look like in a dress, yes!? :P xx

    1. merry christmas love! and no, there wont be any possibl future baby sister of blakes! :) maybe a little girl-dog with a waggley tail! :)

  2. ahahaha you did put him in a dress!!!


  3. Replies
    1. not just any dress! i wore this when i was little! :) its special (and therefore legit for me to dress my child in it!) hahaha! :)

  4. He's adorable :). Wish you and all a wonderful New Year!

  5. thanks so much tomi!! :) sending warm wishes to you and your family too! *hugs*


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