Friday, October 12, 2012

taking things slow(er)...

life with me is always a party.
(that's just putting it in nicer terms..)

 i always have a few projects at hand and a long to-do list.
on top of a "nice to complete" list that i beat myself up if i don't strike off...

and even though i've been trying to keep things simple and rest up these last few weeks,
i have so many more things i'd love to achieve. 
i mean... we still don't have a toaster (!)

but this weekend, we're staying in. enjoy each others company.
sleep in. brunch. swim and take long walks. 
cuddle lots. 

hope you have a lovely one too!



  1. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend Zhing! I'm afraid I've been quite absent! I hope that all is well with you and Daniel and Muu and the new addition to the family that is going to pop out at some point soon I'm thinking? :)

  2. hi dear@! are you settling back into everyday life after vacay?? or just bust?? we just popped!! thanks for the well wishes!!

    1. Oh ho! I just saw your post on your beautiful baby boy! Looks like I might have jinxed it when I asked if you popped!

      Life after vacay is like a hard hit back to reality (as it always is), but at least there has been plenty of cuteness in this firm since I am paediatrics! Lots of cooing babies, although there is an awful lot to learn...


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