Thursday, September 20, 2012

do you love alphabets...

im obssessed with them! 
i love vintage ones, metal ones, wooden ones...
(my parents' home is filled with "D&Z"s leftover from our weddings. i can't bear to throw them...)

but look what i found today?? 
digiprop has designed a fun downloadable to share! all you need to do is print, cut and fold! 
more instructions here. great craft for a rainy day in or to decorate a little nursery!
 im utterly in love with the "E"!!

have a lovely day, homies!


  1. Thanks for sharing, love! This is too cute not to share! I'm gonna start printing, folding & glueing them for my lil K's room!

  2. i LOVE the "P" and the "R"! :)

    1. i can see how you can put a P at your desk or at home. but R???? :)


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