Thursday, October 20, 2011

we're excited about our spanking new...

him:: camera. after a year of using DSLR exclusively, he got a tiny camera. we'd still be using our respective serious cameras everyday but this new one is specifically for musashi.

me:: baby-sized knit sweater for the muu. how teeny-tiny, right? sooooo keerrr-uuuute!!

p.s. that's how our marriage works.



  1. okay, this is going to sound super frivolous. but i love how your nails match the sweater. hahaha. cuz i love the colour blue! :)

  2. @anniestar

    i didn't know that!! :) but now that you mentioned it! its so true!!

  3. i almost thought the word 'baby'.... with a title like that and u holding baby sweats :)


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