Tuesday, May 10, 2011

crafts:: shabby chic apron

i custom designed this piece for a friend who loves her laura ashley, her vintage china and all things frilly and pink. oh and she loves her tiffany boxes and her hello kitty. but i couldn't figure out how to fit the kitty into the design of this dress so im gonna pick up a little kitty surprise and sneak it in the ruffle pockets! 

 this little ruffley flirty thing..

she'll look super cute baking macarons in this!

a sneak peek from behind!

the house has been brimming with love and thanks to mum, she's graciously taken over the walking and caring of little muumuu. its really darling to wake up in the morning to the two of them peacefully sitting on the couch in semi-comatose state all snuggley... and i love the little muumuu he has become when he is in her company. he is so sweet and calm and quiet... i think he's gonna miss grandmama a lot when she leaves...

with him off my heel, i've been able to sneak in a little more time with the machine!! i have another cutie up my sleeve that i can't wait to share! :) im sooo excited!



  1. Hello Zhing! This apron is really pretty and your friend will love it! Glad your sweet little dog is having a nice time with grandma! xxx

  2. @Mrs. Exeter

    thanks so much! :) i always hold my breath until my friends (& customers even!) receive it to hear what they think!! xx


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