Sunday, March 6, 2011

spring in japan

in japan, spring begins with setsubun (節分). it was a month ago, right around the same dates as chinese new year. and i was so so excited for the warmer weather to come. but nothing change. it was still miserably cold and even snowed a little. i would optimistically lay out my spring clothes each morning, only to find myself turning back in the lobby to throw on my winter wear again..

then, bam! over night, there were little blossoms, brand new leaves sprouting from the bare twigs and a wee bit of sunshine in the afternoons so delicious they make your toes curl. i rather daringly wore my ballet flats out today, sans the leggings.

but along with the lovely weather & blooms, come the dreaded pollen and allergies season is back full force. and as we're sniffing away, our little munchkin-doodles has also been having a little nasal congestion of his own. 

don't be fooled by this tiny-ness. this little one snores like a drunken sailor. its kinda funny cos he'd snore so loud he would wake himself up in a jolt and look really confused. lol

 who me? snore? nah.. it was him, mommy!

good night, world! have a cosy weekend!


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