Tuesday, July 27, 2010


some eye candy for the future home.

talking about home, my home is buzzing with so much excitement these days. you'd walk into my house and various people would be working on different wedding things at the same time. even my brothers pals, who come visit so often, have been tasked to cut menus, programs, sort buttons!! its like an entire production house. i know i will look back at such times and realized that its worth way more than having straightly cut programs. or rather, i THINK i will realized it in time to come. im still a little mortified at my brothers' lack of craftiness.

but its all good in the hood. mum thinks this is the calm before the storm. how morbid.

we have a little adventure awaiting after the wedding. my toes are curling in excitement just thinking about it. life's sooo truly good to us..


  1. Looks so easy to make... seems like it's time to revamp my room.

  2. i know! :) it looks so chic and practical at the same time! :)

  3. looks nice!!
    i have a similar earring holder, except that I put the string across my dressing room mirror.

  4. i thought of you when i saw this!! :)


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