Thursday, February 12, 2009

this week...

it has been a rough week. been busy at work and feeling a little under the weather.

in more positive news, phnom penh was great. its really somewhere i can see myself living. surprisingly and dearly beloved is having quite a comfy life there with his platoon of mozzies. i shamefully admit we were'nt the best tourists and did follow a single tip from our guidebook. and did not walk into a single cambodian restaurant. all cosy cafes and more expat-y hangouts, which we usually avoid. but after the last severe food poisoning daniel got from eating a salad at the raffles, we figure we just have to be super careful. transportation was a blast! we walked heaps in dusty roads, sat in a tuktuk and squished together behind a motorbike weaving through traffic like a local. except i was shrieking like a tourist. oh well.. all very interesting! 

something spritly to perk up your thursday...

Color Tags

oo i love etsy! they have the cutest things!! these labels can be found here!

oh another exciting thing that made me smile this week.. feldberyl posted pictures from our last wedding here! i love it! :)

1 comment:

  1. i loved the day wedding ceremony with the umbrellas n all.. n all the brides' dresses. they have great taste


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