Monday, January 12, 2009

our engagement: daniel's proposal

One day I hope we'll make it to 30 diamonds,
But for now it's just one...

I know it hasn't been a long time that we've been together,
So I want you to know that I am not in any sort of hurry -
We have all the time in the world, and we don't need to talk about
Plans, dates or anything else until we are both good and ready.

But I do want you to know that:
In sickness and in health,
In good times and in bed,
I will love you always.

And even if we have to be physically apart from time to time,
My heart will always be right here with you.

All I know is that my gut does not say "maybe",
It says "Yes, definitely yes" - and I hope you feel the same.

So I would like to ask you please, my love, will you marry me?


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