Wednesday, December 26, 2007

resolutions:: for myself

i don't want to be the brand-sprouting friend. i don't want to be the one always caring how much you earn and be easily impressed by high-ticketed items.

i don't want to be stuck in a relationship like some of my peers and not know where its going. the next one will be perfect (hah! i always say that..)

i don't want to be fearful of being alone. sometimes the nights get quiet. sometimes life without a partner gets unsure. like i don't know who i'd be spending new years with.. yes, i have friends but they have their partners to kiss at the drop of the ball..

i don't want to be untrue to myself. to lose that vestige of personality in the things i lay my hand at.
i still want to be the same happy ole me. i want to be thrilled by little joys in life. little treats here and there, gestures of love, textes..

i want to love.

i aim to be a better me. to end my next year, i will be a better me and i will have a clearer direction in life.


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