Friday, November 16, 2007

ee is home!!!

yippeee. my aunt is back from guangzhou!!! and that called for a typical tan-family-style celebration! wine, dine and make merry.. oh and start making plans for 5 other parties to come!! my family are really hard-core partiers!

me & my cousins in the cheesy kara-ok private room ( which thankfully we forbade my nana uncle to sing.. ) the food was alright but it was super fun! 

love this set of pictures! very typical 'my sis is a pain in the butt" shot... *grins*

daddy and mommy!

my e-ma, ee and mommy!! don't they look exactly the same?


talk about being sisters... we went prom dress shopping on wednesday! PROM!! gosh. im feeling awfully ancient. this little girl use to follow around my tails wherever i went in her pampers and now she is dolling up for prom?!? *stressed* anywhos, we picked a blue toga short swishy dress for her..  so its more fun to dance in. and no, she doesn't want stilettos she wants comfy shoes so its more comfy!!!

methinks she has more common sense than me. my prom dresses were all either OTT sexy-wannabe or long and difficult to walk in. oh did i mention on all occasions, i was walking on stilts? and suffered from blisters for a month after that???

oh! i digress...

and updates on the babies...  my poor puffin baby thinks he is a warrior dog twice his size and got into a fight. so he has battle wounds.. made him a makeshift arm sling(tho there is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with his arm)

and he loves it! =)


leave me a little love note. xx