Tuesday, July 10, 2007

good news travel fast..

every sunday is designated grocery shopping day.. my snack drawer at work is known to be bottomless. everything you can think of, i own. safety pins, rubber bands, stain remover, static spray, aspirin, tampons etc. and most certainly snacks of all kinds. and i found these awesome 15-snack-pack of oreos, nabiscos and other yummeroos from target! perfect for snacking because i don't munch non-stop on a large bag. and i got some yogurts, apple sauce and healthier stuff like that!!

now its all gone!

its NOT all me.. i swear!

updates on the road trip, its a negative. both me and judy felt 7 hours overnight drive without GPS sounds a little too daunting and dangerous so we sought other options for air tickets and nothing would get me back in time for work on friday.. so it was a flop! kinda sad but it is what it is.. =)


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